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Right to Vote – I stand firm against voter suppression in any form. Voter registration and our elections MUST be safe, free, fair and easily accessible.


Women's Rights - It's about the Freedom of Choice, the Right to Privacy, Protection and Equal Pay. Thus, I pledge to support and help protect: Women's Health, Reproductive Rights, Economic Justice, Ending Domestic Violence, ERA! 


Civil Rights and Liberties – I support the establishment and growth of programs that respect and protect our civil rights and liberties.  We are a nation founded on the idea that we are ALL created equal. TOGETHER, we are to defend liberty and justice for ALL.


Health Security –  Everyone deserves treatment of illnesses, preventative health care and trauma care. Quality health care for everyone is feasible and achievable when we make it a priority. I support quality health care from the arrival stages of life through the later stages of life.


Safe Communities – In an effort to keep our communities safe, I pledge to work with willing colleagues in Congress AND in coordination with appropriate state and local officials to develop effective legislation that would provide for sensible gun reforms to help prevent further acts of violence in our communities.


I pledge to weigh individually all factors involved with making legislative changes regarding national environmental issues. I know the importance of business interests that effect a robust economy, yet I also value the interests of the public to protect our environment, passing on a sustainable world to our children, grandchildren and generations to come.


Security for Seniors and Veterans – Social Security and Medicare are promises that the U.S. made to its citizens which we pay into. As your Congresswoman, I will fight to keep our promises and protect what we've earned. Our military veterans deserve our highest respect, and we must provide for the security of our veterans and their families at ALL levels of life. 

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EducationEVERY child deserves opportunities to excel and thrive, not just survive! I pledge to work on behalf of EVERY child in EVERY community, along with parents, guardians, educators, school administrators, and with those at the college and university levels to ensure that our publicly funded education systems in this country reach our collective goals as places of education excellence. 


Accessibility - I pledge to support the disabled community through accessibility and accommodation in our workplaces, schools and communities. Individuals with disabilities should have equal access to employment, inclusive education and health care coverage regardless of diagnosis, marital status or income. 


Higher Wages, Benefits & Protection – Workers deserve to be adequately compensated with a living wage, benefits that help keep workers and their families healthy, and a sense of safety at their workplace. I am committed to supporting legislation that focuses on an economy that works for ALL. 


Fair & Affordable Housing – Ensuring fair and affordable housing is not just a policy goal; it's a fundamental right. As your Congresswoman, I am committed to advocating for legislation that promotes equitable access to housing opportunities for all Americans.


This includes measures to combat discrimination, expand affordable housing options, and support initiatives that enhance community development and economic stability. Together, we can build communities where everyone has a safe and decent place to call home.

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